Steam Cleaning A 4 Piece Sectional & Area Rugs – Upholstery Cleaning

Steam cleaning a 4 piece sectional, 2 chairs, 2 love seats and one sofa along with three area rugs. We had a client call us who was referred by one of our regular clients, (Thanks in advance!) with a pretty large job. The client understood the importance of regular steam cleaning on their rugs and upholstery even though they don’t have any wall to wall carpet in their home.

You area rugs and furniture will also act as a huge filter in your home for allergens, dust mites, soils and other microscopic organisms. Most homeowners rarely and in most cases, NEVER vacuum their home furniture not realizing all the soils among other things that get trapped in the fibers of their furniture. Pet owners who allow their dogs and cats on the furniture don’t even want to begin to think about the organisms that are in their furniture! That is why it is important to vacuum, and have you furniture steam cleaned every 8-12 months. If you look under the cushions of your sofa you will most likely find a tag that has cleaning instructions. Steam cleaning (hot water extraction) is the best method whenever applicable and most popular sofa materials can be steam cleaned so book your upholstery cleaning service and any other service we offer that you may possibly be in need of today!

carpet cleaners cleaning carpet